Laboratory Infrastructure
Showing 73–96 of 102 results
Laboratory Infrastructure
BIOCARD Rapid Test kit for AntitTG IgA
Biocard rapid test for determination of antitTG IgA in whole blood is a rapid test kit is based on lateral flow immunochromatography method for qualititative detection of IgA antibodies to tTGAll the accessories needed for the sampling and testing are included.Works on SerumPlasma and Whole Blood.Results can be obtained in 20 minutes
SKU: MP41065 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Biocard Syphilis
Biocard™ syphilis In vitro diagnostic test kit by flow through method is designed to detect the antibodies to syphilis antigens by Flow through Technique enabling the inbuilt quality control procedures.All the accessories needed for the sampling and testing are included.Works on Serum/PlasmaResults can be obtained in 5 minutes
SKU: MP41058 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Neoscreen G6PD
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common human enzyme deficiency; an estimated 400 million people worldwide are affected by this enzymopathy (6). With regards to the demographics of G6PD deficiency, most of the affected individuals reside in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. The G6PD enzyme catalyzes an oxidation/reduction reaction.
SKU: MP40989 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
BiocardDengue IgGIgM Antibody card test
Biocard™ Dengue IgG/IgM antibody card test is a rapid immunochromatographic lateral flow assay for the qualitative differential detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to Dengue infection by Monoclonal Antibody Capture (MAC) method.All the accessories needed for the sampling and testing are included.Works on Serum/Plasma and Whole Blood.Results can be obtained
SKU: MP41047 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Automatic NS496 Plus
The NS496 Plus is designed to automate laboratory sample preparation and is used to punch dried blood spots samples into a 96 wells microtitre plates for subsequent analysis. It offers a four-plate capacity with the disc size of 3.2 mm. The NS496 Plus can also be programmed to punch multiple discs into one or more wells or plates.
The NS496 Plus is a next generation instruments with new features and improvements for ease of use.
SKU: MP41072 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Biocard Syphilis (Dip Stick)
Biocard™ Syphilis Invitro diagnostic kit (Dipstick) is a rapid test for qualitative detection of antibodies to syphilis antigens by lateral flow dipstick format of testing.All the accessories needed for the sampling and testing are included.Works on Serum/Plasma and Whole Blood.Results can be obtained in 20 minutes
SKU: MP41063 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
BIOCARD Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Biocard™ Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a qualitative assay test kit by lateral flow method for detection of hCG antigen in Human urine with great sensitivity and specificity.All the accessories needed for the sampling and testing are included.Works on Human urineResults can be obtained in 20 minutes
SKU: MP41060 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Neonatal hTSH FEIA Plus
Labsystems Diagnostics’ Neonatal hTSH FEIA Plus is a fluorometric enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative determination of human thyroid stimulating hormone (hTSH, human thyrotropin) in blood samples dried on filter paper as a primary test for screening of babies for congenital hypothyroidism (CH).
SKU: MP41167 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Neoscreen 17OHP
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) includes a group of disorders in which the cortisol production by adrenals is lowered. Cortisol is a steroid hormone necessary to maintenance of blood sugar level, partial maintenance of body fluids and electrolytes and protection of the body against stress. CAH cannot be cured, but it can be effectively treated by steroid substitution therapy if detected in early stage of life and disease course.
SKU: MP40988 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Neoscreen TSH
Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is an endocrine disorder of newborns characterized by the decreased levels of thyroid hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) in periferal blood. In early perinatal period manifestations of CH are often non-specific, subtle or even non-existent [1-2]. However, the disease, if undiagnosed and untreated, leads to severe
SKU: MP40987 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Tissue-Tek® AutoTEC® a120
Say Goodnight to Overnight tissue processing The Tissue-Tek® Xpress® x120 Continuous Rapid Tissue Processor is a self-contained tissue processor employing microwave and vacuum infiltration techniques. The instrument performs automatic rapid processing (fixation, dehydration, clearing, and paraffin impregnation) of tissue specimens in preparation for histological study and examination.
SKU: MP40949 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
- Comprehensive test menus for enzymes, substrates & specific protein parameters.
- Customized & pre-measured pack size configuration.
- Parameter reagents available in ready-to-use liquid, stable & lyophilised powder format.
- Specially designed mono vial [1 ml] reagent range provides ease of convenience in analysis.
- Parameter available with different selection of methods (IFCC or DGKC).
- Reagent provides precise sensitivity, wide measurement range & long shelf life stability.
- Long working reagent & on board stability for precise automated analysis.
SKU: MP41041 -
Health Innovations, Home Health and Home use innovations, Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Infrastructure
Clium – Smart Oral Appliance Cleaner
Health Innovations, Home Health and Home use innovations, Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory InfrastructureClium – Smart Oral Appliance Cleaner
Clium is armed with UV-C LED lights and ultrasonic waves to clean/disinfect your daily oral appliances while also being super portable. While Clium cleans your oral appliance, the UV-C light neutralizes up to 99.99% of harmful and odor-causing germs.
SKU: MP27055