Laboratory Infrastructure
Showing 49–72 of 102 results
Laboratory Infrastructure
BiocardDengue NS1 Lateral Flow Assay Kit
Biocard™ Dengue NS1 lateral flow assay kit is a rapid Antigen sandwich immunochromatographic lateral flow test for the qualitative detection of Dengue NS1 Antigen for Dengue virus enabling diagnosis of Degnue infection from firstday itself.All the accessories needed for the sampling and testing are included.Works on Serum/Plasma and Whole Blood.Results can be obtained in 20 minutes.
SKU: MP41048 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Biocard Dengue IgGIgM Antibody (DipStick)
Biocard Dengue IgGIgM dipstick Test is a rapid immunochromatographic lateral flow assay for the qualitative differential detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to Dengue infection by Monoclonal Antibody Capture (MAC) method. All the accessories needed for the sampling and testing are included. Works on Serum Plasma and Whole Blood. Results can be obtained in 20 minutes.
SKU: MP41062 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Biocard Helicobacter Pylori Antibody
- Sample Type: Serum/Plasma and Whole Blood.
- Detects the H.Pylori antibodies by lateral flow technique with great sensitivity and specificity.
- Convenient pack sizes
- Simple to perform
- Results can be obtained in 20 minutes
- Needs no equipment
- Excellent sensitivity and specificity.
SKU: MP41061 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
BIOCARD Rapid Test kit for AntitTG IgA
Biocard rapid test for determination of antitTG IgA in whole blood is a rapid test kit is based on lateral flow immunochromatography method for qualititative detection of IgA antibodies to tTGAll the accessories needed for the sampling and testing are included.Works on SerumPlasma and Whole Blood.Results can be obtained in 20 minutes
SKU: MP41065 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
1.Compact Design
2. Quantitative UPLC – MS/MS applications
3. Rapid, reliable and reproducible quantitative data for the clinical laboratory
4. Clinical laborataries have access to the selectively, sensitivity and versatility of LC-MS
5. Reduces complexity and maximizes throughput and uptime
6. The system is controlled by Mass Lynx IVD Software
SKU: MP40997 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Neonatal Galactose
Labsystems Diagnostics’ Neonatal Galactose is a quantitative fluorometric test for the total galactose from dried blood spot samples. The test is based on the combined determination of free and galactose liberated from the cleavage of the galactose-1-phosphate.
SKU: MP41078 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
TissueTek Lab Aid Ultra II
Compact with dual benefitsThe Lab Aid Ultra II is a large capacity storage unit for storing slides and blocks equipped with locking feature for security. The maximum storage capacity is approximately 96000 slides or 22000 blocks or anything in between if both the slides and blocks are stored in the same cabinet.
SKU: MP40957 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Biocard Malaria PfPv Antibody
Biocard™ Malaria Pf/Pv antibody diagnostic kit is based on Antibody capture for Pf and Pv infection by using the Lateral flow assay method using the MSP-1 and CSP-1 antigens.All the accessories needed for the sampling and testing are included.Works on Serum/Plasma and Human Whole blood.Results can be obtained in 20 minutes.
SKU: MP41057 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Biocard Malaria PfPv Lateral Flow Assay Kit
Biocard™ Malaria Pf/Pv Lateral flow assay kit is a Rapid sandwich test kit for differential detection of Malaria P.falciparum and P.vivax species by HRP-2 and pLDH antigen capture.All the accessories needed for the sampling and testing are included.Works on Human Whole blood.Results can be obtained in 20 minutes
SKU: MP41055 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Neonatal Toxoplasma gondii IgM FEIA
Labsystems Diagnostics’ Neonatal Toxoplasma gondii IgM FEIA is a fluorometric enzyme immunoassay intended for the determination of IgM-class antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in blood samples dried on filter paper. The test is intended as a primary method for screening newborns for congenital toxoplasmosis (CT).
SKU: MP41166 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
TissueTek Prisma Plus & TissueTek Glas g2 Coverslipper
TissueTek Prisma Plus & TissueTek Glas g2 provides high reliability user convenience and flexibility in staining and glass coverslipping. One system for routine and special staining with Integrated Track & Trace with barcode reading.
SKU: MP41004 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Neonatal 17OH Progesterone FEIA
Labsystems Diagnostics’ Neonatal 17-OH-Progesterone FEIA test is a fluorometric enzyme immunoassay enabling the quantification of 17-hydroxyprogestrone steroid present in blood samples dried on filter paper. The test can be used for the screening of newborn for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH).
SKU: MP41074 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Bordetella pertussis EIA tests
Labsystems Diagnostics’ Bordetella pertussis EIA tests
- Pertussis toxin (PT) is a specific antigen for the detection of Bordetella pertussis, the use of PT is also recommended by the European guidelines (European Center for the Disease Prevention and Control)
- Whole cell antigen tests also available
- The kits come with ready-to-use, well sufficient reagents and breakable, coded strips.
- IgG Remover (RF absorbent) is included in the IgM kits, no separate reagents or steps are needed.
- The kits are suitable for different automatic systems and manual testing.
- Multi-testing with other LDx tests is easy due to interchangeable reagents, like buffers and substrate, and similar test procedures.
- Internal and external quality monitoring maintain constant quality
SKU: MP41150 -
Laboratory Infrastructure
Automatic NS496 Plus
The NS496 Plus is designed to automate laboratory sample preparation and is used to punch dried blood spots samples into a 96 wells microtitre plates for subsequent analysis. It offers a four-plate capacity with the disc size of 3.2 mm. The NS496 Plus can also be programmed to punch multiple discs into one or more wells or plates.
The NS496 Plus is a next generation instruments with new features and improvements for ease of use.
SKU: MP41072