The Discovery A is sold with a standard package of scanning abilities that exceeds all of Hologic’s other bone density models. The Discovery A is the Swiss Army knife of the Hologic bone dense line. Tweezers, scissors, Philips and flat screwdrivers; the A has it all! The other models have some great tools, but the MacGyvers out there who need to be ready for any and all contingencies will want the Swiss Army knife for sure. At the same time, if your needs don’t require every tool imaginable, you probably see no reason to pay extra for them. If you won’t need whole body scanning, a Discovery Ci (sometimes called a P), C or SL could be a better fit. If your patient flow allows extra time for patient repositioning, there’s less incentive to buy a bone unit with supine lateral BMD. Whatever your bone study needs, weigh them carefully. Whether you ultimately opt for a basic unit or the top of the line, Block Imaging will be available to provide and support your Hologic Discovery bone densitometer needs.
Bone Densitometers, DEXA Bone Densitometer, Imaging
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Hologic Discovery A Bone Densitometers
MPIN: MP15282
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