This is the RESmart Auto CPAP G2S A20 from the RESmart series by BMC Medical. This machine has all recent advanced technology features to operate easily and efficiently.It includes a wide range of features such as Auto ON/OFF, auto-adjusting technology, leak compensation, heated humidifier, etc. The therapy’s goal is to offer the best combination of positive pressure for inhalations and exhalations and deliver the optimal pressure during events. When higher pressure is not needed, the machine will automatically operate in lower pressure. The BMC RESmart G2S A20 Automatic CPAP machine comes with a humidifier and a hose It plays a major role in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea – one of the main concerns of sleep disorders.
Pressure Range – 4-20 CM H2O
Sound Levels – ≤30 dBA
Ramp – Upto 30 minutes
Ramp Start – 4 to Minimum Pressure
Ramp Time – 0-60 Minutes
Auto On/Off – Available
Filters – Reusable Foam Filters (Standard Grey)
Auto-Altitude Adjustment – NA
BMCares App for Sleep Apnea
Data Monitoring SD Data Card – Available
Heater Plate Settings -Off, 1-4
Water Chamber Type – Standard
Chamber Capacity – 350 mL to Max. Fill Line
AC Power – Universal AC power 100-240V, 50-60Hz
AC Power Supply – Yes