Polymed PolySyte Micro – R IV Clave Connector

MPIN: MP94747

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– The Polymed Poly Syte – R Clave Connector comes with a Red ring and is designed with Needle-free technology to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination and improve patient outcome
– It comes with minimal or practically no blood reflux, i.e. it is a Neutral Displacement Needle-free connector
– The device can be used on all peripheral catheters, arterial, and central venous catheters for the administration of IV fluids or medication, and can be used to aspirate blood
– Its straight fluid path allows for the clearing of blood and blood residual with low flush volumes
– The device has minimal dead space of 0.04 ml and it allows for lower flush volumes
– It features a flat smooth swabable surface for ease of disinfection
– It also allows for saline flush option which can eliminate the risk of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)
– It contains No latex, Phthalates (DEHP) or Metal Components, and is MRI Compatible
– It is also compatible with Radiographic Imaging (CT Compatible)
– It is Approved for use with power injectors

SKU: MP94747 Category: Tag:

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