Go higher, see better”A water soluble non ionic iodinated contrast inj. indicated for CT, Radiological and Cath Lab procedures.
- In the new generation MDCT, Iomeron 400mg the highest concentration contrast are specially suitable for all angiography procedures like Coronary CT, Triple phase liver study, peripheral CT, pulmonary angio, perfusion studies etc.
- Iomeron has shown optimal renal tolerability and its high concentration does not lead to higher incidence of adverse events when compared to lower concentration.
- Iomeron allows same imaging quality at lower radiation dose.
- Iomeron at the same concentration as competitor brands have the lowest osmolality and viscosity.
- Iomeron is only non ionic with absence of Calcium di-Sodium Edetate, still stable for five years.
Iomeron contains Iomeprol
Available in 300mg, 350mg & 400mg in 50, 100, packaging