How to create a vendor account?

Step 1: Visit and Click on “Sell on Medpick” on the top right corner.
Step 2: Know the benefits of Selling on Medpick. Click on “Register Now” to proceed.
Step 3: A registration form appears. Fill in your email address.
Step 4: Fill out the rest of the Registration Form.
Step 5: Click on “Select Plan” to proceed.
Step 6: Choose your Desired Plan and click on “Subscribe Now”.
Step 6: Details about your Chosen Plan. Click on “Proceed” to confirm the plan.
Step 7: You are successfully registered as a Vendor with Medpick. Click “Let’s go!”
Step 8: Welcome to Medpick Vendor Dashboard.
Step 9: Go to “Products” and click on “Add New”.
Step 10: Fill out the details of the Product to be Uploaded.
Step 11: Scroll to the bottom of the Vendor’s Dashboard and click on “Tax”. Add GST for your Product.
Step 12: Your Product has been successfully submitted for moderation. Click on “Submit for Review”.